How To Contact Us

To send a message please complete the form below
Whether you're already a customer or you're considering a place in the Colwyn Bay Old Convent Nursing Home for yourself or a loved one, we'd love to hear from you.
We also very much welcome your feedback about the service we provide, so please let us know your thoughts. Click here to leave a review of Old Convent Nursing Home online or alternatively you can use the contact form to the left.
New Enquiries
If you're a private individual or a social or healthcare professional interested in a place at the home please call us on 01492 532788
Please note, we are unable to manage enquiries from potential or existing suppliers or future employees & recruitment agencies via this number – please see below for instructions on how to contact us.
Existing Customers
If you are a family member, friend, relative or healthcare professional calling about an existing resident in the home please call 01492 532788
Careers & Suppliers
If you're interested in a career at Old Convent Nursing Home please click here to visit our recruitment page where you'll find details of current vacancies and a form where you can put forward your details for future opportunities .
If you would like to discuss our operational needs or become a supplier please use the contact from to the left of this page to introduce yourself.